GREENER project and HEATER NPA Cluster projects showcased a joint launch event

The new GREENER/HEATER NPA Cluster projects showcased a joint launch event on Tuesday the 4th of October, outlining the background to the development of both projects, the cluster organisations involved and the future aims and objectives of both projects. The launch event opened with an introduction to Clustering projects by Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Desk Officer, Kalle Pakalén.

Clustering projects are small projects that combine 2 or more previously successful or ongoing projects. Clustering offers a unique opportunity to diversify and to capitalise on outputs and results; further integrating results as well as disseminating their impacts. Thus, reaching a wider group of stakeholders with project outputs, supplementary learning and capacity building.

The GREENER project will consolidate and amplify the efforts of 3 NPA energy projects (SMARCTIC, LECo and h-CHP) by creating and sharing a critical mass of information on energy efficient and renewable solutions. The combined efforts of the GREENER partners, ERNACT, CENTRIA and University of Oulu, will lead to wider implementation and increased scalability of these solutions in housing and public infrastructures.

HEATER is a cluster of projects with synergies across HANDIHEAT, SMARTRenew, TechSolns, SENDoc and eLightHouse. The partnership with WiSAR Lab, Letterkenny Institute of Technology (SMARTRenew project), Ulster University (SENDoc/TechSolns), Oulu University of Applied Sciences and HANDIHEAT, Northern Ireland Housing Executive aims to collaborate and cluster the transnational outputs from previous projects to educate and empower local communities to effect positive behavioural change and inform decision makers to influence policy across climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustaining communities.

Did you miss the launch conference? Here you can watch it!